Grandparents in the UK


Grandma and Granddad Robbie spent 2 months in the northern hemisphere. They flew into London to meet Hanna before jetting off on a tour of Spain, Portugal & Morocco.

Back in the UK they had a couple of days with us before their driving tour of Britain. We caught them up for a weekend in Cumbria.

Their last week was spent was us in London 🙂

Grandma meets Hanna for the first time

Granddad makes it easy for us to find Hanna

We all take a stroll in Regents Park

We hired ‘Eden Cottage’ in the tiny village of Low Crosby, just east of Carlisle. The folks joined us for two nights and Granddad had his first cuddle with his latest granddaughter.

Like all good villages it had a decent pub that we went to every night!

We had a bleak day to explore Carlisle. We visited Carlisle Castle and then took refuge in the shops and a restaurant.

After the oldies continued on to Scotland, we explored Hadrian’s Wall. First stop was Housesteads Roman Fort which was arguably most remarkable for the latrines! We also stopped at Birdoswald Roman Fort to see Hadrian’s Wall stretching off into the distance.
Our last destination was Lanercost Priory. The church there is unusual for having a working half and a second part in ruins.

We sandwiched some fine cuisine between two great historical landmarks.

Bray would be otherwise be a nameless little village, but Heston Blumenthal has shot it into the limelight as the location of the famous Fat Duck restaurant. Less well known is his pub across the road, the Hinds Head Hotel, where we had lunch.

Pie shopping at Borough Market
Hanna goes to a urinal in Leicester Square!
No shopping? at Portobello Market
A final dinner with Scottie at Simpsons
And Hanna enjoys a Pimms at the Prince Alfred