Whaka 50

Tough day out, the lower back was a problem from early on (approx. 15km mark). Also had 4/5 mechanicals (chain jumping into the spokes and getting caught behind the cassette), the worst one being at least 5 minutes on Frontal Lobotomy. Murray also suffered.
Knowing the route was valuable, especially when struggling up the climbs.

The most important stat for the day was the stream crossing:
Ig: didn’t attempt the jump and rode the stream
Kim: attempted the jump and ended up in hospital with four stitches for a punctured leg (brake lever?)
Blaze: attempted the jump and ended up in the stream in one piece
Murray: bottled it and walked the stream. Bought shame on his family
Owen: didn’t attempt the jump and rode the stream

After going back to the stream on Sunday, I now get that you really have to do the jump. Everyone made it look easy!


Name Race Number Net Time Overall Place (of 702) Male Place (of 588) Age Group Place
Owen 5690 4:28:33 481 415 91 of 137
Murray 5099 4:10:49 392 337 105 of 193
Kim 5462 3:21:34 117 107 20 of 137
Ig 5701 3:15:45 97 89 14 of 137
Blaze 6507 4:04:33 57 of 69 52 of 63 N/A