100,000 Steps

Mark, driven by an obsession with badges, caught Will and I at a weak moment and we agreed to try for the highest FitBit badge you can get: 100,000 steps in 1 day. Don’t worry that I don’t even have a FitBit!

We thought we’d need to walk about 70km to get 100k steps. The plan was to walk from midnight through the night and, with stops, finish between 4 and 6 pm. I chose the route, the South Downs way from Petersfield and diverting into Brighton at the end.

Mark had done 50km and 75km hikes before
We detoured to Washington for food and drink, only to find there was no shop in town and the pub had shut down. We ended up getting some water in a strangers kitchen!
By 60km Will was in pieces. I felt a blister on my little toe explode. Feet were so sore that you ended up ignoring them
As we got within sight of the coast and civilisation, Will had completely lost his sense of humour
By the end I just wanted to stop walking
Fish and chips to celebrate
With my shorter stride I hit 100k first on the Brighton seafront. Mark and Will also hit the target once back in London
Terri did a great job draining the many (11?) blisters on my feet

Strava link