Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast

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Hi Woody

Very pleased with my time, took about 25 mins off my PB 🙂
The swim was moderate paced. I was a minute slower out of the water than Kyle and Ig (another mate here for the race) which was a shame because I missed them on the bike.
Bike was solid, didn’t go too nuts. Pushed a higher gear back into the wind which was a tip of yours that Kyle passed on.
I left transition with 3:10 elapsed so I thought I had a chance to break 5. More importantly I ran up the first hill ok with no back pain and clocked a good mile time. As the run went on it got hotter so I had to start walking the aid stations, but I managed to hold my average below 8 mins until the last turn around (10 mile mark). I had half an hour to get back with a hill but managed to hold it together. I didn’t think sub 5 was on before the race so I was super stoked to cross the line :-). Lots of the lads did well so it was a great day.

The result was all down to the training. Big thanks for knocking me into shape!

Ironman website